And so, I have finished my entry for the paint challenge for the One-Ring site. Being away from home posed a problem with taking pictures but i made do with what I had.
I also forgot to bring my dirt along with me on the trip so the foot model has to go without a finished base till I return.
I tried to come up with a symbol for the freehand on the horse cloth thing by looking through the Free Peoples book but the only symbol I saw that would either fit the Mirkwood theme or that small space was Thranduil's spearhead with the leaf and gem. I tried to mimic that but my freehand skills are very poor quality. I couldn't even do the same design on the opposite side of the sheet!
So enough of my rambling, here is Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood.

Really liked this model. Both in sculpting and painting. I was glad my friend let me paint it up the foot model for him as it turned out much better than my first few attempts at painting Legolas. Might redo my old one since I like the colour scheme I used. I'll get photos ASAP.
Hope you enjoyed!
Comments and criticism welcome!
Till next time.

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