I have finally taken pictures of my Dark Angels army and so… Here is an update!
To start off, the leader of the Dark Angels:
Azrael, Supreme Grand Master

He still needs to be finished but that’s Azrael and his Helm Bearer.
Next we have my very first tactical squad of space marines that I bought and painted. I need to repaint some of them as I was experimenting on the highlighting and colours before I finally found a scheme that worked and looked good without having to mix paint.
Scheme: (using old colours here) Dark Angels Green basecoat over Chaos Black, highlight with drybrushed Camo Green. Need to repaint the red as all I had for red paint was an old paint pot from the very first Moria Goblin paint set. It’s served me for over 3 years so it’s about time I got new paints. (Bought Khorne and Wazdakka Red.) Metal is highlighted Chainmail.

Next we have the Interrogator-Chaplain and a squad of Deathwing Terminators.

Assault Squad

Dreadnought with Multi-Melta and Stormbolter

Devastator Squad and Veteran Sergeant

Company Master (or DA equivalent. Can't remember right now. )

Another Tactical Squad

And now an army shot. Not very good but it’ll do for now.

Now we go to other factions.
The Eldar (unfinished):

Grey Knights:
Purifyer Squad (I think

Paladin Standard Bearer

And that’s it for now in the 40K world.
Comments and criticism welcome as always.

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