Here is my current army for Isengard.
I didn't have my troll done so he's not in the pictures.
The whole army:
The Fighting Uruk-hai:
Saruman leading Berserkers:
Warg Riders and Saruman:
Vrashku and Scouts w/bows:
Isengard Orcs:
Ugluk and his Scouts:
A WIP objective marker:
Uruk-hai Shaman:
Converted Captain:
Converted Banner Carrier:
Converted Hornblower:
In War of the Ring, can you substitute a Hornblower for the Drummer?
Dying Boromir to add to the Scout formation:
And then there's the troll, but no pics of him yet.
Quite the army to set up for a picture!

Till next time!
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