With graduation coming in the next few days, my life has been very busy.
I've done quite a bit of work from painting models to adding more to Helm's Deep.
To start off, why don't I show you my work for the May Painting Challenge.
It's not a Hasharin but it fits the requirements.
Here is my Khandish Chieftain.

I've recently invested, (or rather followed someone's idea) and made a light "box" to take pictures of models.
It's a milk jug cut to have an opening on the top with a white sheet of paper in it. It really makes a difference.
A few examples:
Inside the "box":


And edited (Auto correct button):

Another example:
King Theoden:
No "box":


And finally:
No "box":


And so...
Here are some models I've worked on, or finished, or just wanted to take pictures because I could.

Khandish Warrior (WIP):

Saruman of Orthanc:


Banner of the Dead (Natarn Sculpt):

Tom Bombadil:

Tom and Goldberry:

Gothmog (WIP I think):

Frodo and Sam:


Well that's it for the model side of things. For now anyway.

I have a lot more pictures of other models and Helm's Deep, but I'll put those on later after my doctors appointment.
I also need some static grass for my Khandish Chieftain.
So, till next time!
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